Petrokala Pasargad Kish is active in the field of service and servicing of drilling and in-field equipment by creating process-oriented thinking, has taken a long step towards improving the quality of its services, customer satisfaction, improving environmental performance, safety, and occupational health and safety of employees. It aims to establish a Health and Safety Management System (HSE) at the level of the organization and considers itself bound by the following principles:

* Observance of national and international standards.

* Developing a safety culture - Health and the environment and expanding organizational values.

Purposeful and practical training of employees to continuously improve all processes and activities of the company and promote the workgroup.

* Promoting employees' morale and motivation by engaging them in safety issues - health and the environment.

* Preventing and reducing environmental pollution and providing environmentally friendly services.

* Preventing accidents, maintaining and improving the safety and health of employees.

* Implement and maintain legal requirements related to environmental, safety and health aspects.

In order to achieve the above principles, the company has implemented the Health and Safety Management System (HSE) at all levels and consistently commits itself to continuous improvement and effectiveness of the system. At the beginning of each year, the company will work towards identifying health and safety objectives in line with this policy and review its measurement, monitoring, and analysis of the extent of the achievement of the defined health and environmental objectives.

 I strongly support this system with full conviction and determination. I expect every one of my company colleagues to understand, correctly and correctly, in order to meet and maintain the standard demands of the HSE system, and at the organizational level To continuously improve it.

Jahanbakhsh Noghneh Abbaspour

Managing Director